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Where it all Starts

At the heart of any successful business lies a very important aspect called marketing. What is marketing? Marketing is an umbrella term that covers advertising, public relations, promotions and sales. Marketing is the process by which a product or service is introduced to your potential customers. Lets face it, if individuals do not know your business exists, how can you provide them with your services or goods? Marketing also plays a key role in keeping your business present in the mind of potential clients.

If you built it, they will come:
Once your potential customers become aware of the existence of your company, it increases the chance of increased consumption of services and/or goods. As your campaign begins to flourish, it creates a snowball effect as your new clients spread the word about your business. Building a strong marketing campaign should be one of your top considerations during the building of your business.

Who are you again?
A successful company often has a solid reputation. Marketing helps solidify the brand and product recognition of the company. As your reputation grows your sales will also increase. Individuals will feel more secure of whom and what your business stands for. The reputation of your company is built through effective use of communication tools and quality products and or services.

With the advent of modern technology, marketing your business has become less expensive and attainable by small businesses. Social media, as well as email campaigns, have made reaching out to potential clients easier. Social media as a whole gives your business the ability, in real time, to gage the current marketing campaign for the cost of simply having an internet connection.

Food for your business:
Marketing sustains a company’s presence in the lives of its existing and potential clients. It is essential to maintain and manage a healthy relationship with your customers. It allows a business to maintain a long-lasting and ever-present relationship with your audience. It’s not a quick one time fix, your business should continuously be reviewing and revising how your clients see the business.

While your existing customers should always be your main priority, marketing can assist your business in growing your current customer base. Small efforts such as social media posts and email campaigns can not only engage existing consumers, but also help build awareness to new and potential customers. Marketing helps secure your business’s future through continuous engagement with new and old clients.